Friday, December 31, 2010


Hell-o manusia yang membaca beloggg aku ni. hihi. Malam ni, semuanya dalam life aku akan berubah sebab NEW YEARS COMING HOME BEBEH ! 2011 tau. tahun pun bertambah, umur kau pun bertambah. dari 18 ke 19 pada september nanti. ohhh tidak sabar untuk memulakan tahun baru ni. Dengan orang yang tersayang lagi sambut. Gituuuu kan ! hahaha.

Tahun 2010 banyak mengajar aku untuk menjadi lebih dewasa dari sebelum ni. Macam2 yang jadi tahun ni sampai aku punya berani plus kekuatan pun bertambah. Kekuatan dari tahan maki. hahahahah. So, korang punya new year mcam mana ? hmm. Blog ni cume boleh dibaca oleh orang2 melayu kita jea.kesian kawan kawan aku yang kat luo negare tu. yang tak memahami bahasa melayu. Alamakk aihhh. Sorry babe ! i just dont feel to write in english. but i love you okay ! (:

Tahun berganti tahun, bulan berganti bulan, takkan nak berganti hari pulak kan. Hari berganti hari.

Tahun ni punya aktiviti, macam2, ada yang best ada yang tak best. yang best, aku start kerja kat Gloria Jeans coffee. belaja wehh buat coffee. Grind semua. best gila. ras cool babe. haha. apa lagi ek ? ohhh. Masa jalan2 dekat KL ng asyura, and ona. ohh howw i miss you guys so much. Yang tak best lagi bnyak. masuk kolej, orentasi, kena tingglkan mama abg papa semua jauh2. haihhh.banyak lahh. macam tanakingat jea kannnnn. hahaha

Well, whatever pun yang jadi, aku nak terima kasih sangat ng Tuhan sebab bagi macam2 dugaan kat aku. Means, dia nak kita igt siapakita ni and dia sayang kan kita !

And,HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY ! with Lots of Love from me ((:

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Baby cakap dia tak balik langsung sampai lah aku balik KL semula. Aku pun macam merana kejap lah kan, berapa lama seh aku tak jumpa dia. Hm, menghitung hari beb. Lepas tu, aku dengan Qahar macam biasa lah plan nak keluar sebab bosan gila time2 cuti ni. Kitorang plan nak pergi angsana jea sbb nak g makan pizza & main game lepas kenyang tu. Tetiba Aween & Raja nak ikut, then aku pun bagitahu lah baby plan aku. And here starts the story.

Aku sampai jea Angsana, aku bgtau baby dulu, pastu aku terus bgtau Qahar sbb nak tahu lah diorang kat mana. smpai2 jea masa aku nak pergi bank, terua nampak raja, aween ng Qahar semua. Menjerit kejap aku. Tetiba Raja cakap

Raja : eh, tadi aku.. aaa, aku nampak Sulaiman,

aku pun mcm terkejut lah kan, raja ni mimpi ape siang2 ni. Sulaiman dh tentu kt KL. Tadi masa aku bgtau dia aku dah smpai Angsana, dia ade kat rumah. Ni tetiba raja cakap dia nampak sulaiman pulak ?

aku : ha ? sulaiman ? dia kat rumah gombak laa. Mana ada, merepek je kau ni.

Raja : ye do ! aku tak tipu ! betul sumpah dia !

aku pun senyum melebo lah kan. Pagi tadi aku mimpi dia buat surprise. Ni betul2 jadi ? Ohhh God, i love you !

Masa tengah beratur, tiba2 dia muncul. Bapak ah. Besa kecik besa kecik kejap mate aku. HAHAHAHA. Gila laaa. aku rasa mcm nak lari, jerit then peluk dia ! tapi sbb line kat atm tu pnjang sgt. tu yang aku senyummmmm je lahh kan. aku dgn tgh selekeh gila. bapak ah.

Lepas tu ini tu ini kat angsana tu, kitorang semua pergi city square, lepak sana sampai lahhh ke malam. happy sangat dapat jumpa kawan2 kelas aku dulu, lagi happy bilaa orang yang aku sayang buat surprise.

Goshh ! sulaiman esa, i love you baby.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Smooth Criminal

Just now i'm watching a previous criminal in the year that i was born.
My mum said that that time, almost all of them have been caught by the police.
And i was thinking about what my mum just said.
And this is what i'm thinking about ;
I'm born on 1992, all truly cruel and brave criminals, mostly of them HAVE BEEN CAUGHT.
and when i was just a newbies, a new nonsense criminals, WAS BORN AND GROWING.
And i was like what happen to this world ?
People do criminals without a large thinking, what for they do all of that stuff ?
And just think for a second, if we do a criminal, and for sure we will get caught. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO OUR FUTURE ?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Why I do Love You So Much

There are so many things has happened around when we are far from each other.
There was a really sad days that make both of us cry just because that we don't want to be separated each other.
There was one question that keeps on playing in our mind.
Why I Do Love You So Much ?
And theres just one answer to these question.
Because you love me.

Muhammad Sulaiman Esa, i just cant leave you alone.

Friday, December 3, 2010

You and Me

(This is the first picture we taken together)
Five month's ago. For the first time i saw you was at Bandar Baru Uda, Johor Bahru. The time that you came to fetch Muhammad, just arrived from Kuala Lumpur, and me, go along with Muhammad as we came home on that day. After that moment, you start to send a regards to me by Muhammad. And it goes with the same way after i reply your "Salam". Well, there we goes as a muslim for a first time we introduce ourself.

I still remember the first time you say "Hello" to me by sending a comment on my facebook picture. Its really suprise me you know. Plus, it feels like theres something about you that make me really get interested to get to know you. So i guest, changing our phone number should be okay ? (:

Then you started to call me on the week that i felt so weak because of a introduction week as i'm register for the first semester. Its really sucks you know. Until the first day i get to know you. And i admit it. You are the best gift i've ever had in my life. Your love, is a special gift from god.

Since on that day you treat me a dinner, everyday you came to visit me. To make sure that i'm okay. To make sure that i'm having my meal, with you. Yeahh you changed me perfectly. i'm not try to be a buyers or else. But this is the truth.

You make me happy. You make me laugh every single time i'm receiving your text. You make me cant wait to wake up the next morning. You make me cant wait to stay calm to meet you. You change my life clearly. And here, i just want to say thank you for everything, your love, patience, loyal, everything. And i admit it, you are the rain, and i'm the flaming fire. You calm me down. You are just so special. Thank you. Thank you Muhammad Sulaiman Esa.

p/s. i know i will sound so fucking "jiwang" when i do it in malay. :B but this is for you. Sincere from my heart. iloveyou.