Sunday, May 22, 2011

Planning your futures.

If she can COOK, communicates well, has ambition & goals, is beautiful to YOU & has BOMB pu%&y, just STOP there & give that WOMAN a ring.

*this is from toptweets.i love this quotes and i like it to be on my blog.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A chilling day, and a shocking news.

*update for 17hb April

Hari ni dating dengan Raje, so kitorg janji nak jumpa dekat city square jb. lepas jumpa raje, jumpa pulak akmal ariff, ex class mate aku dari darjah 2 sampai fom5. then jumpa pulak si manja drypers mamad fadil dgn gf kesayangan dia Rinie dgn adik dia, Riema omel. huiayohh, ramai gilaa hari ni macam buat reunion. hahaha.

ini clssmate aku dari darjah 2 sampai fom5. nama dia Akmal Ariff

sementara tunggu raje sampai, aku melantak mc'd sorang2, then mula2 ingatkan taknak habis kan duit ihsan dari abg aku tu, tetiba nampak earing dengan cincin lawa nyeeeeeeeeeeee. dalam kepala aku terus ingat mama. ni kalau mama nampak, mesti kena tepek, selalunya mama mesti cakap "kau tak cukup2 ke earing dgn cincin dlm rak kat bilik tu. pastu nanti letak sepah2". pstu dia continue membebel hihihihi. i love you mamamamamamamamamama. hihi. last2 aku beli jugak earing dgn cincin yg sangat menggoda aku tu. serious do, dia kenyit mata dgn aku kot. hishhh, seram ! tapi beli jugak !

ni laa ex classmate aku dari fom4 sampai fom5. sayang diaa dol.

lepas tu sambung tunggu raje dekat kedai yg jual ipad bagai tu, aku pun layan ah game dgn lagu dekat ipod yg terpampang tu. sampai laa raje sampai. then kitorang gerak mc'd balik sbb raje lapar, masa tengah nak oder makan tu, macam2 jenis budak aku tgk bersepah2 dekat cs tu. lepas tu aku tengok DSLR tu dh macam satu rm10 jeh, bersepah2 budak2 ni bawak2. aiyaaa, then masa tengah makan tetiba nampak mamad thedon don lalu dgn gf dia. mau tk menjerit aku. rindu dohhh, jumpa rinie, cium2 dia dgn riema, yela takkan aku nak cium si mamad pulak en. geli saye. hihi. then berbual kejap, then dorang gerak sebab dorg nak main bowling dekat dcm. hamboi detail betul aku bercerita.

ini dia rinie dgn riema omel .

sebab terlalu banyak benda berlaku. aku pun dah tak larat nak menaip pepanjang, aku nak gitau pasal yg shocking news pulak, memang shocking gila baba.

Boboy, adek angkat aku, bapak dia meninggal petang tengah hari tadi. and aku mcm tak percaya langsung sbb arwah bapak dia seorang yang sihat. tapi cuma ada kencing manis jeh laa, biasa la sakit org tua. then aku terus call boboy, kesian gilaa ah kat dia. tak sampai hati aku nak cakap lebih2.

haihh, itu lah kehidupan. macam2 boleh terjadi bilaa2 masa jeh.kita ni manusia kenabanyak bersabar and bersedia je lah dgn apape yg terjadi nnt.

ending blog aku, macam2 dalam kepalaaku bila aku dekat Jb ni. sorang2 aku fikir. haihhh. Johor Bahru, tanah tumpahnya Darahku.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Quotes, because of I'm tired (:

*sorry, i so fuckin tired. for 3rd days in JB story will be update soon, ty (:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Second Day in JOHOR BAHRU

ohhhh why am i so obsess with you Johor Bahru ? it is because of your nice smells of papa roti, the view from my house, the comfy in my house, and everything from you Johor Bahru. thanks a lot.

i woke up this morning with a smile cuz when i open my eyes, i can see my smiley lamp smile at me, and that makes me randomly said : ohhh, I'm at home sweet home and continue singing I'm coming home while i tiding my bed.

while my mum and my brother at work, so i have to make my own lunch. As usual, i love to have maggie and fried chicken as my lunch since i was in secondary sch. cool apa makan benda alah tu, atleast alhamdulillah aku boleh hidup smpai sekarang. hiihi

and after maghrib prayer, my best gf fetch me and we spent our time with my lovely sister, amy, and my best senior ayep kechik and my 5th gf, yuzlynn. we're having a real good time together. ohh how i love them so much. thank guys for making my day as i'm in Johor Bahru.

And the rest of my night as usual, onl until i get my owl eye bag. and to have a really long chat with my old friend was awesome mann, he told me to be careful of everything that i do after this. and he still cares about me sioddd ! thanks kawan sebab nak dengar masalah aku even kau tetiba jeh tanya. i'm so happy to have a friend like you Acay. lama kott kita kawan ? (:

for lepaking session for today takde gambar sebab maybe ahad baru ada gambar. so, we'll just wait okay ?
only this yang aku ada untuk kenal kan korang dengan orang yang aku bersuka ria hari ni ((:

Sis Amy wangiiiiii & Abg Ayep coolioo

My best Gf ever : Asyura suparman


My 5th Gf : Syafiqaaa Yuzlynn gendutttt XDD *jgn marah byy <3

so thanks guys for today. (:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Johor Bahru, ILOVEYOU.

Ohhh johor bahru, you dont know how much that i love and need you as i need air to breath. and now i feel so much release because i have arrive (:
And now, i'm currently at Mc'donald taman sutera with my mum. i'm so exhausted but wth, i still cnt believe that i'm with you now Johor Bahru. (':

ohh, before i forgot, i met my ex fustal members, kak shila just now. we're in the same bus, and she sits behind of me. i'm so surprised. what a small world. she must be surprised too because its almost 3 years we did not meet. 3 years back then, i was just a girl with a short hair, with a really innocent face and attitude, but know, she can see a different side of me (: i miss you sistah.

Back to our main topic of Johor Bahru. its really make me feels so much better. and now, i will enjoy myself so that all the pain can syuhh syuhhhh awayyy. thank you johor bahru, with lots of love from me to you.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gloria Jeans Coffee Angsana Johor Bahru

pagi ni sepatutnya aku takde class sampai lah pukul 4 petang japh. tapi aku tetap bangun awal sebab baru lepas mimpi GJC. masuk pagi ni dah 2x aku mimpi GJC ade bukak 2 side, air-condition dgn open air. *kan bagus kalau mimpi aku tu jadi kenyataan.

sebab apa aku cakap mcmtu ? sebab ikut pengalaman aku lah, memang kitorang ni la team paling terbaik. boleh jaga franchise Abu Dhabi lak lepas ni.hmmm. sumpah rindu gila dekat kak cza, kak ayu, kak tqa, bro azrin n abg sam (nyampah kite !) hahaha.

aku still ingat dari kena intrview, sampai laa last aku kerja situ, aku resign bukan sbb apa, sbbaku nak smbung study. tu jeh. tapi kerja situ laa paling best. franchise tu dh macam kitorang punya sebab kitorang kerja, mcm bangla :DD takde lahh, kitorg kerja macam family, masing2 paham masing2, even kalau ada problem pun still settle elok2 even ada tarik2 muka sikit lah.

Aku rindu kena mandi air panas dari coffee brewer dengan air panas dari La Marzocco tu lah. kaw kaw punya. Aku rindu gak tangan tersepit dekat tempat ice yang dah loose tu. ish ish, terbaik ah kena sepit banyak kali. kadang2 rasa macam nak terajang je benda tu. tp bila fikir balik, benda takde nyawa, buat apa kita nak sakit hati dgn dia ? punca rezeki aku pulak tu. kalau tak pasal dia, minum air panas je lah customer semua. hihi

Aku still ingat lagi, bila Angsana black out, uihhh, memang function. kitorang pun apa lagi. tutup counter, pastu duduk kat tengah2 pintu entrance Angsana tu. hihihihi. hmmm. kalau shift pagi pulak, pagi2 tu mesti makan macam apa. lagi2 bila ng kak ayu. tapi best laa bila shift ng kak ayu. mengumpat berbarel barel. makan tak benti2. tu yang buat aku sayang dia. *huu nak nangis

kak cza lak sporting gila bapak, lagi2 masa tengah berkabung, bapak best ! hahahahaha. aku ingat lagi dia cakap "nasib baik aku tgh pakai tudung, kalau tak dh lama aku jerit dik oi", hahaha, kelakar gila ah kau kak. pstu kau igt tak aku penah photostat tapak tgn aku pstu tmpal kat notice board. pstu lepas berapa hari tu, kau pulak yg buat. hahahahahahahahahahahah :'D

kak tqa lak, suka cakap pasal brand2. aku tak paham dia ni. tapi sebenarnya masalah dia dengan aku sama, tak boleh pegang duit banyak2. mesti nak pakai je. hihi. dengan dia ni la first shift morning, dengan dia ni la jugak first lunch break aku. memang friendly gila lah dia ni. cakap pasal apa pun semua dia layan. mana nye aku tak cakap best.

abg sam, sammy, samdol, semua lah dia. ish ish ishh, teruk dah dia ni. hiihihihihi. takde lah sam, kau pun best, sumpah best, "senior barista" yg taknak naik pangkat sbb taknak buat paperwork. hahahahaha. mangkuk ayun betul, tapi sekarang dah naik superbezor siodd. hehehehehehe. plus, bile nak bhelanjherrrrr K ep See ? hihihi. gaji dah naik, belanja pzza lherrrr ! hahaha

abg azrin, boss ! hahaha, hgn nak har har sgt boss. gua tak tau ah lu de lagi ke tak kat jb sbb lu pun dh makin senyap je an sekarang. thanks eh bro sbb terima wa kerja. kalau takde lu, wa tatau ah pe wa buat sebelum continue study tu. dengan bantuan lu gk ah wa belajar mcam2. *hihihi (takde maksud tersembunyi ye)

hmmm, agak2 nanti aku akan kerja balik kot kat mana2 franchise GJC. tak kira lah kat Jb or Kl. aku tak kisah, yg penting aku nak buat balik latte, cappuccino, skim milk, grind coffee pagi2 and semua benda yang berkaitan dengan GJC, sumpah aku rindu semua tu. even teruk mana pun aku kena kerja dulu, penat mana pun, aku tetap enjoy kerja aku even cuma sebagai barista yang bergaji masyukkk :DD

orang lain tgk kerja aku mcm susah, kena jalan sana sini bagai tapi dorang tak rasa happy mcmana kerja dekat tempat aku tu, kalau betul ada, try ah carik 2 org superbezor yg mcm kak cza dgn kak ayu, carik ah senior se friendly abg zam dgn kak tqa, manager se cool abg azrin.

haihh, bila lahh dapat jumpa korang lagi. aku rindu dapur kita tu. rindu nak pecah kan pinggan, cawan n shot glass. hihihi. sorry2 ~ insyallah tak buat lagi. ^_^

and lastly, ni laa yg dapat hilang kan sikit rindu kat korang2 semua. thanks kak ayu sbb suka amik gambar ! and sumbangkan sikit gambar2 budak2 GJc yg hot2 ni. (';

ini lah kitorang semua. bertapa teruknya aku kena whip cream bagai *caption takde
skema lagi ke effa ? :DD

keadaan kitchen bila dah nak closing (:

bila agak2 kau nak bakar tangan aku lagi sayang ?

thanks kak ayu sebab ajar org buat art ni, sorry kalau tak jadi (':

perfume GJC (:

aku ingat lagi masa ni baru beli e63 aku ni. and masa ni aku tengah buat chocolate sauce, kak cza sibuk nak amik gambar. test camera katanya :D

hmm. semua ni tak pernah sikit pun aku lupa. apape pun THANK YOU A LOT GLORIA JEANS ANGSANA. (':

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Good Morning at Mc Donald .

Having breakfast at Mc donald ampang at 6:57 a.m. Feeling so damn good.
Here is something for you baby.
I do miss you a lot.
I really do,
Even there is no text or call from me.
Okay thats all. And this is the 1st part baby.
I have a lots more to share with you.
Take care.
I'm in a hurry while I'm typing this.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm strong enough baby.

He ask me to be strong. To face anything that might be happen. Even I know, that no way one day you be mine. But I will be strong enough to face it all. Try me baby. I even have been trough more harder than this. But I still can smile until it reach my ears. Just don't ever forget about us. That's what friend supposed to do. Remember, I will be your Super girl forever (;

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I want this song to be forever in my blog ):

i tried to set this song as the default player for my blog but it has some problem so i just post it here. enjoy it listeners.

videokeman mp3
Count on Me – Bruno Mars Song Lyrics

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Beat of Changes


I've told already you how cute she is (:

Kiss you baby ? mwah mwahh ! :D

This week i was about to full up all of my attendance. And i hope i can keep it until this coming final examinationBold. Today everything running as usual. But its really makes me keep on running because of the first presentation on 9 a.m, second presentation on 11 a.m, and quizzes on 2 a.m and another quizzes on 9 p.m.

Oh, before i forgoaaattt, this evening i'm having my tea time with my class mate, leeyana razali, naddy sandra and ann nieqa at secret recipe. We're having a slice of chocolate indulgence and a slice of apple pie. Damn gorgeous mixing them with mocha chillers and whip cream. And there is a little girl who sit next to our table with her mum and aunties, a Chinese little girl. Her age around 3years old i think. She is very fucking friendly and fucking damn cute baby. And because of my batt getting very damn low, i've only taken her picture.

Whatever it is, thanks everybody for a good day today. I love you (:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

hello, i hate you but i still want you bitch.

You may not know how much that i want you
But one final day you will know how much that i love you
How much that i'm in love with your smile
How much that i fall for your hug
How much that i'll suffer for not seeing you
How many time that you keep on running in my mind
And how much i want to describe you more ?

S T O P I T L O V E .


27 feb 2011 is the chosen date for my lovely cousin wedding. This girl who has been given a name, Nabila Hamdan was a very pretty girl who deeply understand me. Her husband was Faron Arsidi, who is Johor Fc keeper, is the best new blood i had. Their weeding are held in Dewan Skudai Kanan which is nearby Nabila house. On this year, the big year for Nabila, who will carry the responsibility as a wife, and with Allah will, she will be a mother one day and i'very happy of it (: good luck with love !

Dear Nabila, all of these year we have been together as the same blood running in us, i hope you will be happy forever with your love one. be strong with anything that might be happen. I love you like forever (: thanks for everything.

Hallo brother Faron, please take a good care of my cousin okay. i know you can do it. do love her with all of your heart. and do, take care of her until her last day. i love you lahh broo :'D
and here are some picture that i snap on that day.

both of you, do take care. do love each other as much as you can.

Rocking together is the best part huh ? (':

I love you NABILA HAMDAN .

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dealing with people

Its more dealing about love. Even there is no more S in my life, i still have to keep on rolling my life dealing with those people that some of them just making shit for others, and some of them who really know how to appreciate people.

There's a guy, which i don't know what the hell is he trying to do with my life.

There's a guy, which want to roll his life with me by his side.

There's a man who really fucking cool. And i love the way he deal with his life and others. Its just cool yaww when there is someone who really knows the limit between Friends, couples and others.

Now, I'm surviving my life. alone. and its fucking awesome man. Really enjoying my freedom as a teenagers, that wont be "JAKUN" with those kind of life.

And for this coming 19th birthday, i will clean up my self for a new life that should be done since i was in the 1st day of period.

And i hope, God will give me the strength for dealing with that.

I know its not that hard (: because its effa who you dealing with ((:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

you make me crazy.

hello mr., you are the one who put the spell on me okay. ohh thank you so muchies ! and now i keep on thinking of you. ohh fairies, please put this spells away. far far away, he's just not mine okay. please fairy ? godmothers ? pixie ? orrrr, witches ? please help me !